2024 Conference Sponsors
Register today to guarantee a spot!
We include all vendors in an open vendor panel discussion. Help our members understand how your service can promote and increase revenues!
Rates are subject to go up as we get closer to the event so lock in your rates as soon as possible! We are limited to accepting one gold and platinum sponsor from each vendor type!
Platinum Sponsor
Table top exhibit: large table display for the two days -Prime spot in exhibit
Acknowledged in pre-marketing Materials as Platinum sponsor. Logo and bold print on Banner and signs
displayed at conference.
Marketing as sponsor or co-sponsor of any of our major events available - With signage available at the event (provided by the vendor)
We will ask Platinum vendor to be on our vendor board panel of experts. Introduction to meeting attendees as an expert on the panel with any bio/introduction as provided by vendor to moderator. If unable to join panel, a platinum sponsor will be able to present in the meeting with time allowed of no more than 10 minutes.​
Table top signs recognizing all Platinum sponsors in meeting room.
Price includes 4 vendor attendees.
Limited Platinum’s available by industry. (No more than two per industry i.e., letter services, software
companies, payment processers, voice analytics, liability Insurance, skip tracing etc.)
Silver Sponsor
Friend of the
If you are unable to attend this year’s conference for any reason, but still want to show your support, sign up to be a friend. The price of being our friend includes:
Logo included in all pre-marketing materials.
Logo will be included on signage as supporter and “Friend of the Association”
We will pass out any promotional items to all attendees i.e. pens, flash drives, water bottles, etc.
We will also distribute informational pamphlets or brochures in each attendee’s conference packet.